We traveled to Cape Cod to stay with friends from our neighborhood in Texas last summer, who have a house there. They had given us a book on Cape Cod to prepare us for the trip. The awkward situation is that when they invited us back this summer, they must have forgotten, because they gave us the same book on the Cape, again, in anticipation of our second visit. Should we say anything? The only reason we would is because we would want someone else to be able to enjoy the book. Or should we say nothing other than lots of “thank yous” and keep the book?
–Andy S., Texas
There are those who would say nothing and those who would gently note that they were extremely grateful for the book–but that their hosts must have forgotten that they had also sent a copy last summer. Add that with their permission, you would be happy to donate the second copy to your local library. Use the latter when you suspect they might give you the same book a third time. In general, one doesn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, but this situation is an exception.
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