I may be just a lowly waitress but it kills me seeing couples out on a date too emotionally attached to their cell phones to talk to each other. I have a hard time getting their attention to take the order. I ask myself, What’s wrong with this picture? We’ve talked to the manager about banning cell phones because we like to move customers along, but he says that’s not going to happen because everyone texts anyway. Whether they’re checking out the weather or ordering from J. Crew, it is rude to keep us waiting. Any etiquette advice?
–Aggie, Middletown, RI
Since over 90% of US adults have a cell phone (according to the Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Study) its usage is the norm and in étiquette we have to adapt.
This may or may not work, because many of us mortals identify our cell phones as part of our persona. Try to make eye contact. Tell the customers you’ll be back in five minutes to take their orders. When you return ask, “May I, please, take your order?” and when they don’t answer, add, “Do you have any questions about the menu?” Get their mouths watering in anticipation by making recommendations. Changing their focus to food and drink may start them talking to each other. Remember, cell phone usage is an emerging form of social interaction: we increasingly live across the internet and airwaves. There are times when it may be necessary to get onto their wave length.
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