Christmas Gift Tips — Family
My mother, by proxy from my dad, makes all the decisions on gift giving. They have sixteen grandchildren, half of whom have working highly paid parents who can afford to shop to their heart’s content.
Mom asks us two months in advance what Christmas gifts they should send our children. We let her know and send her the links.
But often the toy, article of clothing, or book is SOLD OUT and mom goes off on her own sending gifts that they don’t like.
So when they ask the four-year-old grandchild, “Do you like your toy guitar,” we’re embarrassed.
Point of fact, she didn’t like it, we sent it back and found something else.
How can we help mom and dad spend their money more favorably?
–HT, Peoria, IL
Try having each family send your parents a list of two presents for each child, with the links. If that doesn’t work, it would be OK if your parents purchased each grandchild a gift card that works at a box/online store, such as Barnes & Noble that stocks books, CDs, and toys.
- The gift cards are sent to the parents who then attach the envelopes to the Christmas tree or put it in the Christmas stocking.
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