My question is about entertaining in the time of Uber.
My girlfriend and I love to entertain. We divide the chores in pulling the dinner together. I usually do the meat or fish along with the beverages. Rosie does the cheese and crackers, side dishes, and dessert and sets the table. We both clean up while talking about who said what.
Recently I’ve also had to order an Uber ride for a drunken guest. Usually they say they can’t access their Uber account on their cellphone, for whatever reason, and I’m asked to order one for them.
Then I get stuck paying for it. It seems petty to go after someone for a cab fare, but they add up. Aside from driving the guest home, what would you do?
–Name Withheld
As long as there are still local cab companies that will come to your door on call, you’re in luck entertaining in the time of Uber. Have the number of your local cab company on hand. Simply tell the guest that you’ve ordered him a cab, but it isn’t an Uber.
If the local cab company doesn’t take credit cards, the driver can always stop at a cash machine so the guest can pay the fare in cash.
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