As a white-shoe lawyer, I’ve gone from never having been to a therapist to recently taking on two very different therapists and I’m wondering if this is proper etiquette?
Neither knows about the other.
Originally I had three referrals. Didn’t like the first one and very much liked the second and third ones equally. I can’t decide who I prefer. So I go once a week to both and discuss the same issues.
One therapist is a straight intellectual. The other is a gay man like myself and consequently we have similar lifestyles. I feel that these two male psychotherapists are a good balance.
I would never play one against the other or divulge to one what the other said in response to a question or issue.
Do I have a moral obligation to tell the two men about the other?
–Name Withheld
- The therapist you tell first about the other will feel morally responsible and tell you that the confidentiality exception needs to exist for him to talk to the second therapist.
Why not bring the question you posed to me up to each of them before giving both each other’s name and contact information.
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