My question is about how to handle a the office flirt.
There is a gorgeous woman in my office who makes overly friendly, unwanted, and even salacious advances toward me.
Everyone knows we are both married so when coworkers see her sitting on my desk or rubbing my leg under the table I look the other way. When colleagues rib me, saying, “You lucky dog,” and want to know what’s going on, I tell the truth. Nothing. She’s the office flirt. How do I stop her advances and keep my job? She’s my boss.
–Name Withheld
Come clean with the office flirt. Tell your gorgeous boss that it makes you uncomfortable when she plays footsie under the table.
Ask if you can just be friends. When she hears the word “friends,” she may well back off. Negotiating the relationship will most likely buzz kill any lusts for romance.
Non-monogamies are increasing in popularity and it has become acceptable for women in the workplace to be living a lifestyle more like a man in terms of sex.
- Women often take the lead in finding new couples to swing with, because it is less threatening when the woman makes the first advances and does the foreplay. Find out her intentions.
There are couples in good marriages who engage in sex with new partners or multiple partners and seem to manage it.
You could always suggest a designer relationship that is agreed upon by you and your wife and your boss and her husband.
- Boundaries would need to be hashed out between the four of you to design the kind of relationship that works for all of you so that jealousy doesn’t become an issue.
Nonetheless, if monogamy isn’t working for your boss, she may be so self-involved that asking her about swinging wouldn’t appeal to her. Then you’re really off the hook on swinging.
Sex is 90% of a bad relationship, 20% of a good one.
- If she thinks swinging will enhance her marriage, perhaps it will, but it will not solve the problem for you.
If your boss is lascivious because she doesn’t have a good relationship with her husband, any assignation is going to end badly.
So if your boss rebuffs your bid to be “just friends,” you’ll have to find out why. If you and your wife aren’t into swinging, tell her that.
- Bringing up these two options may well put an end to your boss’s lustful advances.
Either way, she may playfully continue to tease you. Then you can always say, “Good morning, my friend, what’s up?”
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