There is a happily married man amongst our friends who likes to talk about his penis at parties when his wife is out of earshot. We feel sorry for his wife, even though we assume that she must know that he resorts to talking about his private parts after a few drinks.
Our question is that we want to know if she understands how bad it is without embarrassing her.
–Name withheld
Forget it. This is none of your business. Most people who talk dirty understand that dirty talk has the potential to repel and unsettle those around them. It is attention-grabbing.
Sadly, in our society it is more acceptable to talk dirty than it is to share our personal preferences openly.
People have gotten used to talking dirty in cyberspace and it effects their behavior in public.
Chatting dirty online in cyberaffairs is quite common and those who engage a lot of their time in it eventually find it quite liberating to be able to talk dirty offline.
No doubt his wife knows what’s going on online.
As long as he keeps his pants zipped, he may not be hurting anyone but himself.
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