How do I get my girlfriend to dress better? She’s a young, attractive pediatrician, who doesn’t care about being fashionable and is more comfortable in Birkenstocks than in Jimmy Choos. Any advice? She needs a dress for the holidays.
–J.D., Manhattan
Go to to see if you can find a model in a dress who looks vaguely like your girlfriend to help you find a dress she might like. It is an eco cool company with shops in your area, which you can subtly usher her into to choose a dress for the holidays — if you would rather have her choose for herself. She will be impressed that the clothing is eco-friendly, most of which are made from vintage and sustainable fabrics.
You’ll like the fact that these cheap chic dresses are all reasonably priced. She should be able to find a dress for between one and two hundred dollars — that is if you didn’t find her one first.
Your girlfriend sounds like a very busy young woman, finding her a responsibly ethical and reasonably priced fashionable source for one-stop shopping should make it easier on you both.
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