Not one for office Christmas parties. As an accountant I don’t see the point in wasting money when we should be giving employees higher salaries and better benefits. We have employees who cannot make it from paycheck to paycheck. Especially this time of year when they need money for their children.
I would rather employees have the option of getting a check instead for the cost the company spends per guest. Keep in mind that attending the party may mean the employee has to pay a babysitter in order to stay late at work to please her boss. Boss says that would be too complicated.
He says the Christmas party is good for morale. Well, what about the morale in the worker’s home?
–JS, Warwick, RI
Good idea about giving an option. Employees should not have to be bullied into attending office Christmas parties at their own expense when they have to pay for child care in order to socialize with the boss.
- Especially if Christmas is not a part of their culture.
On the other hand, administration may believe that a holiday party is good for the business. Too late this year, but planning ahead tailor the holiday party to those who really want to participate.
Compensate those who opt for the cash. For some, keep in mind that the office party may be their only holiday celebration.
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