My question is about parent sitting mom and dad.
I am the 35-year-old second son of parents who had a contentious divorce. My siblings are married with children and live plane rides away.
I, however, am between both parents geographically. I have a two-hours drive either north or south from my house to one parent or the other. I do the lions share of the parent sitting. It has become my lot in life to entertain them separately twice a month. Since I am a workaholic, it means four Saturdays a month are spent with one or the other.
I have no life outside work. How do I ween them before they get too old when I’ll be feeling even more guilty?
–Name Withheld
- Try whittling down your visits to holidays.
- Start by begging off one Saturday a month, bringing you down to having two Saturdays when you’re fancy free.
- Once they get used to not planning on seeing you so often, they’ll start making other plans.
Eventually they’ll get the idea that you have a social life that doesn’t include them.
- Whittling down your Saturday obligations may take some socializing on your part.
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