Our son recently graduated eighth grade from our country day school and got himself into a nasty altercation with one of his classmates. He came home from one of the graduation parties with his eye glasses broken and his face bleeding from being punched in the face. I texted the boy’s mother asking if we could meet soon for coffee telling her what had happened. She responded with, “boys will be boys.” Texting back I said we really need to talk. We were looking for the boy to apologize. We didn’t get it. She keeps putting me off, but we don’t think the boys should end their school year with the incident unresolved. Any suggests?
Parenting while texting isn’t always effective. Texting the naughty boy’s mother inviting her to your house for coffee would be a gracious move. It will make her feel that it is more of a social visit and less confrontational.
Bring out your best china coffee cups, but don’t go so far as to bake a coffee cake. Ask her if she thinks the boys should hash out the problem.
The catalyst no doubt was a girl. Each boy should tell his side of the story.
In a perfect world, the brawler would apologize and the lads would shake hands. But we don’t don’t know the whole story.
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