Potluck parties
How do we do a party on the cheap? We rented a beach house which costs so much rent, we can’t afford to party hardy.
–Allison and Eddy, Mattapoisett, MA
Send out an email to friends you wish to invite telling them you’re planning a potluck party and to let you know if they want an invitation by return email. Once you get a response from half of your invitees, send a more detailed invitation inviting them to a cookout. List the names of the people who have said they might attend with a blank after their name to forward back to you with what you will bring.
For instance:
- Allison and Eddy: grilled local fish, corn on the cob, strawberry shortcake
Which one of the foods can you bring? Don’t forget to bring whatever you drink
- Wine
- Beer
- Cheese and crackers
- Chip and dip
- Hot dogs, buns + mustard
- Hamburgers, buns + ketchup
- Pasta Salad
- Potato Salad
- Coleslaw
- Watermelon
- Other
- etc.
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