At our upcoming, fairly formal wedding dinner every guest will have an assigned seat and know where they’re sitting. How can we pull this off without seeming stuffy? Some guests won’t want to be stuck with the same seat mates for two hours, but having, for instance, the men move clockwise into different seats after the entree, seems contrived. How can we make place cards fun?
–Emma, Providence
Some guests won’t want to be forced into playing musical chairs. Especially if they’re shy or are enjoying where they’re seated. Designate one empty seat at every table for the bride or groom to perch on while they thank guests at the table for coming to their wedding.
The other upside to allotting one seat without a place card is to allow for that unexpected (uninvited) plus one that you hadn’t known you would have to seat last minute.
Additionally, assuming the table is a twelve-top, the phantom seat also becomes an opportunity for any guest to introduce themselves or catch up with other guests across the table.
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