My question is about sending a thank-you note for an interview.
We are applying our eldest son to nursery schools. It is a very competitive environment and because most of the spots are being held for legacies, we’re looking to put our best feet forward. There is one school in particular where we’ve been told Timmy is at the top of the waitlist and we’re wondering how to stand out.
Specifically, I would like to know about sending thank-you notes as follow up to the interviews. We have had no paper contact with the schools, meaning no stamped envelopes in the mailbox from them, because all the communication has been on the phone or through email.
I dutifully sent heartfelt thank-you emails to every school within a week of the interview, but now I’m wondering if I should have written handwritten letters mailed in envelopes and stamped. Should I write a more personal handwritten note?
–BM, San Francisco, CA
Answering an email with an email is the way to go, but in this case, where you’re feeling the pressure to do more, follow your instincts. Send a genuine thank-you note for the interview.
Take out your best personal writing paper and handwrite a genuinely appreciative thank-you note to the interviewer.
- Thank the person for the privilege of their time.
You can never thank people enough.
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