When you receive a baby shower present and the card is signed by six of your coworkers, do you have to send a separate thank-you note to all six?
–BL, Wallingford, CT
Basically you can write the same thank-you note using slightly different wording for each coworker who chipped in to purchase the baby shower gift. It shouldn’t be hard to get excited about receiving the infant carseat you registered for at buybuybaby.com.
What about the three coworkers who pitched in to buy you the Ergobaby 360 organic baby carrier from store.ergobaby or the generous bundle of baby supplies from honest.
Choosing different adjectives (to express your appreciation: we greatly appreciate; thanks ever so much) will make the task less tiresome and, believe it or not, more fun. Challenge yourself to find various words that have the same meaning.
Look at it this way: if all six coworkers had each bought you six separate presents, wouldn’t you acknowledge all the gifts individually?
Of course you would. But there is an exception:
- Should you receive one gift from more than ten people, use a bit of humor handwritten on letter paper or in a thank-you card, and then post it on the bulletin board at work. But don’t forget to list each coworker’s name in the salutation alphabetically: Dear Alice, Betty, Cathy, Deb, Eve, Fifi, Frankie, Georgina, Hilary, and Mary.

Group of women admiring gifts at baby shower, smiling
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