Can you give me some tips on toasting at Thanksgiving dinner please?
–shy toaster, Washington DC
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. –John Fitzgerald Kennedy
To our national birds–
The American eagle,
Thanksgiving turkey:
May one give us peace in all our States–
And the other a piece for all our plates. –Anonymous
When Turkey’s on the table laid,
And good things I may scan,
I’m thankful that I wasn’t made
A vegetarian. –Edgar A. Guest
Here’s to the turkey I’m about to eat and to the turkeys I’m sharing it with! –Anonymous
“No one diets on Thanksgiving,” –Erma Bombeck.
Your host might ask one of the guests to say grace. Once the dinner is underway, any guest can stand with a glass in his hand and say, “I ask you to rise and drink a toast of thanks to Susan and Donald, our gracious and humorous hosts.”
Toast the host(s) and the chef(s) for their time, good taste, and spirit. Compliment the hosts for the wonderful dinner and being at the table with friends and family.
The Thanksgiving toast is designed to make the host feel good about the meal and about how happy you are to be with the people at that table. Make it short and sweet.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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