We’re hoping to put together a winning wedding guest list.
My friend had a lot of no-shows at her wedding. It took place on a holiday weekend, when she mistakenly thought people would be able to get away, but apparently they had better plans. In sending out invitations to our wedding in Newport how many do we need to send out to ensure that there will be at least a 100 guests at our wedding?
We have to give a deposit to the caterer on the number of guests and if we have last minute no-shows, we will have to pay for the food and beverages they weren’t there to consume and waitstaff will still have to be paid.
–SG, Worcester, MA
When there isn’t a strategy for a winning wedding guest list, no-shows can be an added expense.
The immutable social law used to be that you could count on 100 guests accepting and then attending, when you sent out invitations to 130 people.
Take into account that invitations are being sent to single people as well as couples, and single guests may want to bring a date.
With a list of 160 guests we’re finding that 30 will regret, but up to another 30 accepted-and-expected guests may not show up.
To ensure that you have a minimum of 100, you may need to invite 160 guests in anticipation of 30 regretting and 30 not showing up.
Especially during the months of June, September and December, which are the big no-show months.
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