How do I talk to my girlfriend about the fact that I may have given her a STD? My ex-girlfriend (now married) recently informed me that her husband’s ex-wife just told him she has genital herpes. Both my girlfriend and I had breakup sex with our exes after we both started new relationships. I had been planing on asking my girlfriend to marry me on Valentine’s Day, but I can’t until I tell her I just tested positive.
It was smart of you to get tested as soon as you found out that your former girlfriend may have given you a sexually transmitted disease. Please, don’t propose to your new girlfriend until you tell her your test results. Be sure to go online to get all the facts about genital herpes to share with her, and use protection every time. It is what it is. Work it out. If she loves you even though you have a yet incurable STD, make sure she understands the consequences.
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