My bestfriend’s husband is always bringing up my weight. It is so predictable. He cannot see me and not mention that my friend his wife “works out everyday and feels so much better.” Truth is, I’m OK with my weight. I’m not slender, but I’m happy that nobody seems to mind but him. Oh, yes, and a couple of women friends always talk about having to go to some weigh station to get weighed-in like a semi-conductor truck on the highway, so she might be a little late meeting me or how I should try her Zumba class. They mean well, but I don’t want my friends always bringing up my weight. What should I say?
–Alexandra, Charleston, SC
Our brains are naturally sensitive to negativity. It is a fight-or-flight situation. Don’t let your weight be a trigger that affects your feeling of well-being. Merely becoming aware of your triggers is a good start.
Think about how to see it differently. Try reframing what the person said and say it back to them with a request, “I’m uncomfortable listening to you talk about your apparent obsession with weight issues. Would you mind if we talked about something else?”
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